Legal Structure Consulting Group, LLC. is not a law firm and we do not provide legal advice or services to the public. If you are seeking legal advice or representation you should consult with an attorney in your state.
How we can assist
1.We can provide information on how to find forms/documents and how to complete them
2. We can provide information about court procedures, rules, and other educational materials that are equally accessible and available to the public
3. We can provide document review to make sure forms/documents are complete
4. We can provide information about how to begin a court action
5. We offer litigation support
6. We can file and serve documents
What we cannot do
1. Provide legal advice or opinion
2. Assist parties who are represented by lawyers
3. Tell you what kind of case to file
4. Provide information to one party that would not be given to all other parties
5. Represent you in court